What Muscles Does Cycling Tone? Your Complete Guide to Muscle Toning and Cycling

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So you’re trying to get fit for the summer? Or perhaps you are remembering some years back to when your legs had a tad more definition. We all have had those moments when you decided to set different goals for your body. So what about tone and definition? Some of you have reached out and asked about how the various parts of the body will change after cycling for some time. We are happy to tell you that as long as your nutrition is in line, you will see major differences in your body and achieve your goals for tone and definition with cycling. But which muscles will cycling cause to become toned? Does cycling tone your arms? Does cycling tone your stomach? What about abs? Legs? Does cycling tone your thighs and bum?

Yes, cycling does in fact tone your thighs and bum. We are happy to tell you that cycling tones all of these muscles. In this post you will learn about exactly what specific muscles will look incredible from head to toe. We will give great pointers on how to train those specific muscles to make sure that you are able to target those muscles to develop definition. We will talk about the difference between targeting a specific area for fat-loss versus developing and toning a specific muscle.

Is cycling good for muscle toning?

Cycling is excellent for muscle toning. Typically when you are doing anything that trains the cardiovascular system you will be toning the muscles. This is opposed to doing anaerobic work, like weight lifting which would cause you to develop more muscle. Cycling is great because it works your legs and your entire body all the while burning fat to allow your muscles to show their definition.

Does cycling reduce buttocks fat?

Cycling will in fact reduce buttocks fat. However, you cannot target a specific area of the body to lose fat. Cycling, like any other cardio exercise will cause the body’s overall fat level to decrease – which will lead to a decrease in buttocks fat. This effect is very different with toning through cycling though. Let’s take for instance your toning your legs.

Does cycling tone thighs and bum?

tone thighs and bum

When you are cycling, you are able to target specific parts of your body to tone. As you ride, you are getting a cardio workout which reduces the fat content overall in the body. While doing this you are also building muscle in the main parts of the body that are getting worked: the bum, hamstrings, quads and calves. This double effect allows your legs to shine after a great ride and you will be very happy with the effect.

For more, if you stand up while riding you will recruit the muscles in your arms, upper back, lower back and abs – for extra toning effect.

Here is a list of the muscles that are trained and toned:

  • Bum and Buttocks
    • Gluteus Maximus
    • Gluteus Medius
    • Piriformus
  • Thighs and Hamstrings
    • Bicep Femoris
    • Semimembranosus
  • Quads
    • Vastus Medialis
    • Vastus Lateralis
    • rectus Femorus
  • Calves
    • Soleus
    • Tibialis Interior
    • Lateral Gastrocnemius
    • Medial Gastrocnemius
thighs and bum tone cycling

Does cycling tone your stomach?

Yes, cycling does tone your stomach. As you ride, you are working and using your abs to keep balance on your bike. As you support yourself on your seat, you are burning fat and working the muscles in the center of your body.

Does cycling tone your arms?

Yes, cycling tones your arms. If you stand up out of the saddle while riding you will receive an extra amount of resistance as your arms support your body. You will also receive a toning effect around your shoulders and scapula down your back as well.

Does cycling tone your legs

Yes, cycling will tone your legs and help keep them in shape. Riding will allow your body to target specific area to develop muscles and have a toning effect. Many have asked us does cycling reduce buttocks fat as well: we are happy to report that cycling reduces all fat throughout the body, so it will reduce the fat in the buttocks, too.


In this post you should have learned about the muscles that cycling is able to develop. All the while you will also come to understand how the body is able to reduce body fat overall. There are many ways that the body is able to change in definition, and cycling is one great way to make sure that this occurs. Through cycling you are able to tone, develop and grow your bums, thighs, and calves to look their best and achieve your athletic goals.

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