Is cycling good for varicose veins? How to decrease veins with cycling.

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Varicose veins are largely benign and although don’t bring any pain to the person, they are unsightly. There are several ways to get rid of them ranging from minimally intrusive to invasive. One of the most natural ways to reduce the unsightly veins is through cycling. Many want to know is cycling good for varicose veins. Yes, it is because you increase circulation, flex your muscles, reduce stress and decrease your body weight.

In this post we will cover how and why cycling is good for varicose veins. We will also discuss what types of bicycles will be helpful for you. We will finally give you a good idea of how much cycling you should do to decrease the veins view. At the end of this post you should have a firm understanding of all things varicose veins as it relates to bicycling and keeping your body in shape.

Is cycling good for varicose veins?

Yes, cycling is good for varicose veins for 4 reasons:

  • Improved Circulation: Cycling provides the rider with an excellent workout that causes blood to flow naturally and at a constant heightened rate. This improves circulation and allows the blood to move through the veins rather than pooling in certain parts of the body – particularly the legs.
  • Heart Health Improvement: Cycling trains the cardiovascular system. This is the system that is developing muscle in and around the heart. Varicose veins are typically a sign that the cardiovascular system needs strengthening, or that their may be a body weight challenge with the patient. Cycling is a practical way to solve both of these issues and remove varicose veins.
  • Reduce Stress: Stress in the body can cause blood circulation problems. Cycling just 30 minutes a day can reduce stress and leave you feeling good. The decrease in stress will cause the muscles to activate uniformly and continue to move your blood through the body in a correct manner
  • Weight Reduction: When coupled with eating well, cycling can help decrease weight which is a cause of varicose veins. The reduction in body weight will lead to more body circulation and a more efficient heart rate.

Want to Cycle? Invest in yourself

Cycling 30 minutes a day in the warm months of the year can help you decrease varicose veins. You have many options from indoor recumbent bikes, to a road bike, to miniature ellipticals. Here are excellent options below:

  1. Compression Socks: Before getting into cycling, an investment in compression socks is a great way to continue blood circulation while sedentary.
  2. Best Mini Elliptical for Small Homes: This miniature elliptical is an excellent choice for anyone with a small living space. You are able to cycle for 30 minutes a day while watching TV, eating dinner, or reading the paper in the morning on your couch.
  3. Best Stationary Recumbent Bike: We time and time again recommend this Schwinn bike as the best all around bike. It is an easy step through design, has multiple preset settings, and has an easy start mode for those that don’t feel like figuring out which setting they need. Besides, to decrease the veins, you simply need to ride for 30 minutes a day, regardless of setting.
  4. Road Bike or Hybrid Bike: This is a great guide for a budget road bike to get you outside and moving. These are entry level and can have parts replaced or upgraded. However, out of the box these road and hybrid bicycles are fantastic for riding 30 minutes a day to reduce the sight of veins.

Can I do cycling with varicose veins?

Yes, you can do cycling with varicose veins. In fact, it will make the varicose veins go away. If there is no underlying heart condition, cycling is an excellent way to reduce varicose veins and get the body moving as well. There are many options for the cyclist to ride with varicose veins from outdoor road and hybrid bicycles, to stationary bikes, to miniature ellipticals. What is most important is that the cyclist ride consistently to increase their blood circulation through their body and legs.

Does cycling improve blood circulation?

Yes, cycling does improve blood circulation. Cycling is an aerobic sport which allows the heart and lungs to get stronger. As the heart and lungs strengthen and become more efficient, they are able to move oxygen and blood throughout the body at an easier pace through the veins, lungs and arteries.

Is cycling good for varicose veins


Is cycling good for varicose veins? Yes, cycling is good for varicose veins. It is an excellent way to help move the blood throughout the body and keep your heart healthy. Cycling for just 30 minutes a day in the days when the weather is nice will decrease the views of your varicose veins. You will be able to see a difference over time and be very happy with the outcome.

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