cycling bum before and after

Cycling [Bum] Facts: What will yours look like after riding?

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You have been asking  a lot about how cycling affects your butt and I wanted to let you know so I could finally convince you to start riding consistently. You have been asking me over and over again to if cycling is good for your butt, and other parts of your body like your heart, your thighs, losing belly fat from cycling, and how long it will take to loose a certain amount of weight. I have answered all of those questions for you, and thoroughly, yet you still want to know how it will effect your bum too? Well, I am here to tell you that of course cycling will make your bum look good. There are plenty of studies that show that cycling is great for the body and will give you incredible cycling bum before and after photos. 

Also read:

In this post we will go over what happened to my body after riding for some months. We will also go over what happens to the shape of your butt after riding for some time. Finally, we will talk about how long it takes to see results, and if that affect rolls over to your stomach too.

As an Aside: Food, Your Body and Exercise

Before we talk about cycling bums, if you are serious about losing weight and changing your body, it is important to eat well also.

There are plenty of great options out there, but the two books that I really like are:

They both don’t have 4.9 ratings because they don’t fit into the specific place that the majority is looking for in a book. However, I feel that they have excellent places in everyone’s life. Why?

cycling bum before and after1
cycling bum before and after 3

The Lose Your Belly Diet

The reason why the lose your belly diet is good is because like many good diet books, it goes into detail why specific types of foods are good for you. What it does not do is tell you exactly what you need to eat when you need to eat, but helps you understand why you should eat more of this and think harder before deciding that you should eat more of that. It helps you understand the difference between protein, what marketing people mean by good and bad fats, and all the things that your body wants to feel happy. The coolest thing about knowing all of this information is that when you do want a slice of pizza, it’s a conscious choice, and you know the effect it will have on your body.

The Ten Habit of Naturally Slim People

The reason why the ratings are lackluster on this book is because it’s an old book (1988) – this means that the science backing many of the practical suggestions have been dated. However, what this book teaches you is to understand what to do when your body wants food, and when your body is going through a craving, and what to do about it. It is a great introduction and baseline to mindful eating. This was the first book I ever read about caring about what I eat and has allowed me to eat as I feel and never specifically need to choose a specific “diet” but simply choose to eat correctly for what my body needs. I really enjoy the book, and advice and feel that it is largely underrated with only 14 reviews on Amazon.

Cycling Bum Before and After

What happened to my butt months after cycling? Well, I developed a lot of muscle, and my thighs and butt slimmed down. Outside of that, after coupling that with eating well, I noticed a lot of body fat around my core and my midsection fell off. I am already tall, skinny and have long legs, so I didn’t even know that weigh was there after it was gone. A lot of my pants that fit me for years I began to wear a belt for, and eventually traded them out years later.

Does cycling flatten your bum?

Cycling gives your butt more tone. It means that it made mine actually a bit rounder, and it holds itself up better. It’s actually pretty nice to look in the mirror from time to time. I lost a small amount of muscle and a lot of body fat in the area. You can not lose body fat specifically in one area, so this means that because my butt lost a lot of body fat, I dropped a lot of body fat in my core, my legs, my chest and also around my face as well as my bum.

Does cycling improve your buttocks?

Yes, the muscles are more defined and after coupling it with clamshells, it just feels like I move with a lot more fluidity and ease. And again, it also is just fun to see what happened before and after in the mirror to my butt and body. After I started coupling both cycling, cardio exercise and eating correctly, I saw really good results – but only after I also added in good food did I start losing body fat substantially to see the results really shine.

How long do you have to cycle to see results?

I rode my bike and ate well for about a month to two months. I rode just about 3-4 times a week for that time alternating between short rides and longer rides. If you’re just starting, I would recommend 30 minutes each ride to start at a comfortable pace. That was when I noticed that I dropped weight, and my energy was lighter and I felt more invigorated. I really liked it. But of course, the results will vary, and I also noticed that when I took a month off from cycling (the back of my bike wheel broke and it took me a moment to get around to repairing it) although I didn’t gain very much weight back, I noticed my energy drop after about a week.

Does cycling tone your stomach?

Cycling does tone your stomach and core as well. Because you can not target body fat loss when you work out, no matter how many crunches that you do for your stomach and how many leg presses you do for your glutes, you will simply lose overall body fat. When you ride, it will also tone your core directly by developing and shaping the muscles when you are riding. You use your core for stability and it remains engaged, so it will become smaller, more shaped and defined over time.


Yes, you can keep asking me for cycling bum before and after photos but what I will say is that after you ride, you will wish that you took a before and after photo for your butt. It looks great, and you feel great when coupled with good choices in food. It’s almost addicting and you’ll be glad that you started.

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