How Do I Stop My Tailbone From Hurting While Cycling

How Do I Stop My Tailbone From Hurting While Cycling

Your tailbone shouldn’t hurt while cycling. That’s not normal and can be fixed pretty easily. If you are in pain right now, you should stop what you are doing and find an ice solution that works for you for after cycling. After you ice yourself to decrease the swelling, inflammation and undo any other damage…

Is Cycling Good for Hip Pain? [Nip the Hip. Stop Drain. Feel less Pain]

Is Cycling Good for Hip Pain? [Nip the Hip. Stop Drain. Feel less Pain]

My aunt always had trouble with her hips hurting after she got home from work. She was a warehouse box driver and would spend a lot of time in the tractor driving between buildings. When she came home, we would put ice on her hips and watch some TV to help her relax. One day,…

Is cycling good for knee ligament injury? (Read on if you hate clicking in your knee)

Is cycling good for knee ligament injury? (Read on if you hate clicking in your knee)

We’ve all been there. I minor IT band strain leads to clicking in your knee. Or an overuse injury leads to a feeling of a bruise in your patella. Your knee is one of the most important joints in your body because it connects some of the most important ligaments that connect and orchestrate the…

Is Cycling Good For Piriformis Syndrome? [Solve your Pinch-Butt Syndrome]

Is Cycling Good For Piriformis Syndrome? [Solve your Pinch-Butt Syndrome]

Yes, cycling is fantastic for piriformis syndrome. Piriformis syndrome is the weakening and slow deterioration of the piriformis in the body. Whether it is on the right or left side (or both) it will really talk to you. Typically it is coupled with tightening in the lower back or a radiation of pain through the…

Can Cycling Cause Hemorrhoids? (No, but this may be the cause – even if you have a healthy diet)

Can Cycling Cause Hemorrhoids? (No, but this may be the cause – even if you have a healthy diet)

I sent the team at a note asking to be able to do this anonymous post because when I was going through this problem initially it was one of the worst feelings that you could go through. Not only are you initially dealing with crippling pain that you don’t know the cause. The pain…

How To Relieve Leg Pain After Cycling (How to Get Off the Leg Pain Train Today)

How To Relieve Leg Pain After Cycling (How to Get Off the Leg Pain Train Today)

So you’re getting home and sitting on the couch and your wife asks you to take the kids to the park 2 blocks away. You try to find some way to explain to her that your legs are made of cinderblocks right now because you have just finished your 60 mile Saturday ride. Great, she…

Is cycling good for varicose veins? How to decrease veins with cycling.

Is cycling good for varicose veins? How to decrease veins with cycling.

Varicose veins are largely benign and although don’t bring any pain to the person, they are unsightly. There are several ways to get rid of them ranging from minimally intrusive to invasive. One of the most natural ways to reduce the unsightly veins is through cycling. Many want to know is cycling good for varicose…