can you get aa speeding ticket on a bicycle

Can you get a speeding ticket on a bicycle? [Northern California]

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I am riding downhill Alexander Avenue into Sausalito where the speed limit is clearly something lower than what I am currently be riding. There are a couple of thoughts flowing through my head. The first is “Uh oh,” the second is “Is that a pot-hole? No? That’s just a repair marking? OK.” The third is something about a car popping up out of nowhere. The final one is if I am speeding. From time to time I ask myself while riding can you get a speeding ticket on a bicycle? And many times I answer myself, dang I hope not.

In this post, we will go over how riding your bike should be thought of in relation to speed. We will also go over other things like stop signs and if the ticket will go on your record.

Please keep in mind that you are reading a blog about cycling and riding. I am not a lawyer. I am a person that likes to type a lot, ride a lot, and tell my own experiences.

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Can you get a speeding ticket on a bicycle?

Yes, you can get a speeding ticket on a bicycle. A police officer will stop you if you are riding at unsafe speeds, or passing multiple stop signs. It typically depends which town you are riding through in Northern California to understand which care more than others. Typically smaller towns with smaller jurisdictions will care more than larger cities.

What is an unsafe speed on a bicycle?

There is no unsafe speed on a bicycle. This is more contingent on the cyclist rather than the bicycle. I have witnessed many who are comfortable descending inclines at 50 mph. They did this very safe. I have also seen many riding a bicycle through Fisherman’s wharf at 10 mph. This was extremely unsafe. The speed of a bicycle is a collection of factors including: bicycle condition, cyclist condition, type of bicycle, traffic location, location and sensibility of cyclist.

Does a bicycle ticket go on your record in California?

When you go to court for a speeding ticket in California, the clerk has the option to send this record to the DMV. This is completely up to the clerk to decide if the issue is egregious enough to cause your car insurance bill to rise substantially. Cross your fingers.

Do bicycles have to stop at stop signs in California?

Yes, the rules state that bicycles need to stop at stop signs in California. Bicycles adhere to the same rules as cars in California. It is understandable that stopping and starting can take a lot of energy, though tangentially, in a place where our cars view stop signs as a wonderful suggestion, it may be a good idea to think very hard on how you would like to manage the intersection.


Can you get a speeding ticket on a bicycle? Yes, you can get a speeding ticket on a bicycle. Bicycles are treated as cars in Northern California, and in many cases can outpace a car when in traffic. After receiving a speeding ticket, you have the option to take the ticket to court the same way that you would a speeding ticket for a car. The difference is that the clerk has the option of whether or not to send it to the DMV. Typically when in crowded areas, it is in your best benefit to slow down.

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