How to Loosen Shimano Cycling Shoes: Simple Boa System guide

How to Loosen Shimano Cycling Shoes: Simple Boa System guide

Yes, we have been there before – you are trying to turn your shoes counter clockwise and it’s not working. If you are trying to figure out how to loosen Shimano Cycling Shoes, then press here. It can be frustrating when you are trying to loosen your shoes and you are not understanding when they…

What is the Best Bike for RAGBRAI? Your Complete Beginner Guide

What is the Best Bike for RAGBRAI? Your Complete Beginner Guide

You’re looking to ride RAGBRAI and you are still trying to figure out camping, what clothes to wear (and what not to wear) – and there is still one very important part of your get up that you’re considering. What is the best bike for RAGBRAI? This is important because there’s a lot of information…

How to use a Zefal Bike Pump: And Other Bike Pump Questions You Have

How to use a Zefal Bike Pump: And Other Bike Pump Questions You Have

I’m sure you’re wondering things like “Is this pump working?” “Do I have the right valve for my pump?” and you may be wondering how to use a Zefal bike pump. Once a year, my aunt decides it’s time to break out the old Zefal bike pump because her tires lose air over time, but…