Does cycling strengthen ankles? [RESEARCH]

Does cycling strengthen ankles? [RESEARCH]

Many are looking to cycling as a form of strength building, leg building and also recovery from injury. Many endurance runners look to cycling because of the impact less zero-weigh bearing exercise that you are able to get on the body while still developing the cardiovascular system. Though what if you are a basketball player,…

What Muscles Does Cycling Tone? Your Complete Guide to Muscle Toning and Cycling

What Muscles Does Cycling Tone? Your Complete Guide to Muscle Toning and Cycling

So you’re trying to get fit for the summer? Or perhaps you are remembering some years back to when your legs had a tad more definition. We all have had those moments when you decided to set different goals for your body. So what about tone and definition? Some of you have reached out and…

Is Cycling Good for Groin Strain? [Guide: Groin Pain Recovery]

Is Cycling Good for Groin Strain? [Guide: Groin Pain Recovery]

Cycling has been noted to be great for the body for many reasons. It is great to be able to tone the body in many different ways, work an excellent amount of muscles throughout the body, and improve overall physical shape. For body development, cycling is excellent. But what about recovering the body from an…

Counting Calories, Losing Weight and Cycling: Will cycling help me lose weight?

Counting Calories, Losing Weight and Cycling: Will cycling help me lose weight?

One of the main questions that we get many times is asking if cycling will help us lose weight. Some variation of this include, will cycling decrease belly fat. Will cycling help make my hips slimmer. Will cycling help me achieve my weight loss goals? We have answered some of these in this post, though…

Is Cycling Good for Gluteal Tendinopathy? (Dead Butt Syndrome Pain Guide)

Is Cycling Good for Gluteal Tendinopathy? (Dead Butt Syndrome Pain Guide)

You wake up in the morning and you feel great. However, throughout the day, you start to develop the chronic pain that has been with you for the last month, It can really wear you out, make you feel exhausted and just want to sit down. Totally understood. For years I dealt with tendon issues…