How to Loosen Shimano Cycling Shoes: Simple Boa System guide

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Yes, we have been there before – you are trying to turn your shoes counter clockwise and it’s not working. If you are trying to figure out how to loosen Shimano Cycling Shoes, then press here.

It can be frustrating when you are trying to loosen your shoes and you are not understanding when they won’t click once to undo themselves. The fact is, that is not the way that a Boa closure system works.

Boa Closure systems are a fantastic way to make sure your feet are secure in all types of outdoor sports that use them. I remember my first when I got my first pair of snowboarding boots that had a Boa closure system.

My first thought was “aren’t these small strings too thin to keep my feet in the shoe?” Well, if the thin strings are polyester, then no these small strings are not too thin and will keep your feet in the shoe far more comfortably and firm than any shoe string.

How to loosen Shimano Cycling Shoes looser

In this post you will learn how to loosen Shimano cycling shoes in your Boa system. If your Boa system is busted, we will also tell you how to get it fixed. You do not need a brand new pair of shoes.

Finally, you will learn about cycling shoes breaking in and stretch. By the end of this post, you should have an understanding of how your Shimano cycling shoes work with a Boa System and be able to loosen them.

If you are having trouble with unclipping out of your bicycle, then head over to this publication for an excellent demonstration in how to unclip cycling shoes.

How to loosen Shimano Cycling Shoes

This is counterintuitive, but you can not rotate your Boa system counter-clockwise to loosen your shoes.

The way to loosen Shimano Cycling shoes is to pull the Boa system out of the socket towards you.

The Boa system will click and you will feel the polyester strings unravel through your feet.

If your Shimano Cycling Shoes are still not unravelling or if they are jammed after lifting the buckle out of socket then you may need to repair them.

Making a repair is very simple and you do not need to replace the entire shoe if the Boa system goes out – which is rare.

How does the Boa System work?

The Boa system ties the shoes together by bringing the polyester strings evenly and comfortably together to fit along the bridge of the foot. It allows there to be no pinching and for the rider to feel a fully comfortable feel along the foot as they are cycling.

How to loosen Shimano Cycling Shoes

With the Boa system, the shoe is now hugging the foot and there is no time in the ride where the rider will need to regain comfort by retightening the laces – or worse – having your laces be caught in the chain ring of your bicycle.

For a great guide on the fit of a cycling shoe and how tight they should be, read on here.

Can I stretch my cycling shoes?

If your shoes are polyester link most, then typically no, your shoes will not stretch. Your cycling shoes will give a small amount to let you know that they are broken in. Along with the give in the bottom of the shoe for the insoles.

However, the way that tennis shoes or boots will stretch over time with leather or fabric uppers will not happen with cycling shoes because the majority are synthetic.

When you are purchasing cycling shoes to fit, they should feel the way you want them to fit while riding, and the way that you would expect them to fit for years to come. They are a great investment.

If you suffer from numb feet while riding, you may want to take a look at the Lake offerings. These are made not to mash the perennial nerve which causes the toe numbness while cycling.

Conclusion: How to loosen Shimano Cycling Shoes

Shimano cycling shoes can be loosen by pulling the Boa tab insert out and towards you. You will hear a dramatic click, and the polyester laces of the closure system will unravel.

You are not able to turn the Boa system counter clockwise to make a small adjustment to loosen the closure system. It will not work this way. Instead you will unloosen the Shimano Cycling shoes, and retighten them afterward.

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