How to fix loose bike chain (Is your bike chain too long?)

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Riding your bike and hearing your chain skip is a real drag. Even worse, seeing the chain sag low on the bike is even worse. The good news is that both fixes are very simple and typically do not need to have your bicycle taken into a bike shop to solve. If you keep up your bike with regular points of maintenance, this issue should not come up. Want to know how to fix a loose bike chain? Read on to learn more.

In this post we will teach you more about how to fix a loose bike chain. We will also teach you how to find a master link on your bicycle. If this is a problem that you deal with often, we will also tell you why the issue keeps happening and how to fix it. Should you need to take your bike into a shop, we will tell you how to speak with the mechanic so that they understand what is going on with your bicycle.

What happens if a bike chain is too loose?

You may not think that a loose chain is such a bad thing. Perhaps in your mind it means that it will not be as tight on the chain rings so then this means the chain ring will last longer.

In fact, a loose chain is not good for your bicycle. What it means for the bicycle is that the components will not run the way they ought to.

When a bike chain is loose, this will cause the ride of the chain to loose stability and damage the cassette, chain ring, and the components in the drivetrain. If you allow this to go on for too long, the components will need replacement a lot sooner than you will think. There also is the possibility that the chain will break altogether when the pressure placed on it is abnormal from being ridden while too loose.

It is important to think of a bicycle as a Swiss watch – especially if you are using a bicycle in the higher end of MSRP ranges. If one piece of the bicycle is off, it will shift and hurt the functionality of other aspects of the ride.

Can I tighten the chain myself?

Yes, you can tighten the chain yourself. Tightening the bicycle chain is usually a very easy fix if the cause of the chain issue is not a problem caused by the derailleur. If it is a issue of wheel fit, chain size or chain maintenance, these are all concerns that can be solved at home with the correct tools. 

How do you tighten a slipping bike chain?

There are multiple ways to repair a slipping bike chain. Let’s take a look at how to fix a loose bike chain.

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  • Regrease the chain: You would be shocked by how quickly putting grease on your chain can solve many problems. If you have not regreased the chain in a couple of weeks, then do this before anything. If you rode the bike in the rain, clean off the chain thoroughly, and add grease. Tip: Use bike chain specific grease (Click here). Do not use ball-bearing grease or WD40. Bearing grease is too thick for a chain and will attract more dirt and foreign objects to the chain. WD40 acts as a solvent and strips away any previous grease on your chain. 
  • Pull back rear wheel: Many older bicycles have rear wheels that are adjustable. When going over a bump, the rear wheel can slip forward. With a monkey wrench, you are able to loosen the wheel at the hub and pull the wheel backward to create tension with the wheel.
  • Replace gear cassette: Gear cassettes wear very slowly. However, if your gears are beginning to become very sharp, this is a sign that your bicycle is not getting a great purchase on the chain-links. A replacement of the cassette may be to mend a slipping bicycle chain.
  • Replace derailleur system: If you have done the above three possible fixes and you still have a problem, the rear derailleur is the cause of the issue. There is a possibility that it is not shifting correctly or that it is not creating the correct amount of tension on the chain. This is the only repair of the four that we would recommend taking your bicycle into a bike shop to solve.

Replacing the bike chain altogether

Sometimes a chain may become worn or overstretched and needs to be replaced. If this is the case, you may need to replace the chain.

How to find a master link on a bike chain:

How to fix loose bike chain 2

If your bike is newer than one decade old, then the master bike link will most likely be a quick link chain and look like this. There is typically a small arrow on the master link to show you which direction to install the chain. Tip: Many manufacturers don’t recommend that these re-used, though unlike older master chain links that do not have this design, they can be re-installed a couple of times before needing to be replaced.

If you would like to remove the bike link, you need a specific link plier, linked here.  I have found removing bike quick links without a link tool to be possible, but difficult at best.

How to fix loose bike chain  1

Why does my chain keep getting loose?

The most likely reason that your chain keeps getting loose is your back tire needs to be pulled out. After pulling your back tire out, clean and regrease the chain. There are other reasons why your chain can keep getting loose though these are far less likely. If your chain is old, there is a possibility that it simply is stretched out from use. Older chains tend to be longer than new ones. The teeth in your gear set can also be old. 

How to fix a loose bike chain:

There are four ways to fix a loose bike chain. The first is to pull the tire back to regain tension in the chain. The second is to regrease the chain. The third is to replace the chain with a correct sized chain. The fourth is to replace the rear derailleur. For help with more details on figuring out which of these fixes will solve your problem, follow this link here.

Is it OK to ride with loose chain?

Riding with a loose chain is not a good idea. Riding with a rusty chain is also not a good idea. The reason why it is not a good idea to ride with a loose chain is because the bicycle chain can fall off. When the bicycle chain falls off, if you are going at speed, this could lead to a fall, or the chain getting caught in other drive train components which will lead to damage and need for replacement.

It is important to make sure that your bike chain is the right size. It is simple to resize a chain, or if needed, you are able to take your bicycle to a local bike shop and they will do the resizing or replacement of the chain very quickly.

Keep your chain tight, and in the right working order so that it is able to function properly at all times. Read on in this article to make sure that your chain is as tight as it needs to be to function correctly. After you do tighten your chain, it is important to lube your chain when needed, often.


There are many ways how to fix a loose bike chain. To fix a slipping bike chain the main two ways is to grease the chain and to pull the rear wheel backwards if you have the option. If neither of those options solve your issue, replace the chain first and then consider taking it to a bicycle shop to replace the rear derailleur. The replacement cost is typically ~$100 for a basic derailleur system and installation. Other more technical bicycles, differing locations and higher costs of living cities can affect this given rate greatly.

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