How much is a bike chain? [Bike Chain Replacement Guide]

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I took a look at my bike chain one day and it was just so grimy. I thought it would be a great idea to take off the chain and give it a good true hand wash in my sink. I looked up how to take off a chain link, and bought a standard chain breaker tool. This was a mistake

After I broke the link, I realized that I had a quick link on the chain and needed a quick link remover rather than a standard chain breaker. 

So, back to Amazon I go to repurchase the correct tool for a quick link chain; however, in the mean time because you typically can not reuse a chain link after breaking on many models of chains, I now have to replace the chain. 

At the end of the day I wanted a clean chain, so why not a brand new chain? The first thought that I had before going to purchase a new chain is, “How much is a bike chain?”

In this post we will go over different costs of bike chains. There are pretty standard costs and prices for more higher end chains. 

We will also go over what goes into a higher end chain. We will also discuss if the cost of the higher end chains are worth the money, or if it makes sense to work with a standard chain. 

Finally, if there is something wrong with your bike, we will talk about replacing only your bike chain, if that is an option for you, and how to know if your chain needs replacing.

How much is a bike chain?

Bike chains cost typically $15-$20. There are ranges though.

  • $10-$20: Standard Bicycle Chain
  • $30-$50: High End Racing Chain
  • $50-$100: Premium Performance Chains

There are several differences between the typical chain prices. Typically higher end chains will:

  • Shift faster and more reliably: The shifting time will be noticeably faster when you move your derailleur
  • Will not stretch over time: Chain links tend to stretch out over time and some even replace their chains every 1000 miles. We don’t recommend that you replace them that often, though higher end chains will also allow you to extend the times between replacement
  • Will not rust over time: In general you should not leave you bike soaking wet, however, higher end chains will have a resistance to rust forming on the chain. Be sure to lube your bicycle chain as often as needed. I always like to say it’s similar to aiding the reliability of a bike like 
  • Are more resistance to breaking over loads: When you shift under load, you are slowly weakening the bicycle chain until it can break. Though you typically shouldn’t shift under load, higher end bicycle chains will not snap immediately when shifting under load.

Is an expensive bike chain worth it?

If you have an entry level bicycle, a higher end chain will not be the biggest game changer. Most likely your money is best served for a bicycle fit to increase your efficiency.

If you have a higher end road bicycle with premium components suitable for racing, it is typically in your best interest to purchase a higher end bicycle chain ($30-$50). There are many cyclists who will need chains at the highest range; however, you typically will not need to use these chains. The gains I noticed after using the highest end chains are too marginal in my opinion for the change in price.

Can you just replace bike chain?

If your problem is specifically with the bicycle chain, then yes you can just replace the bike chain. The easiest way to do this is to see if you can locate the master link and use a quick link tool to remove the chain. Your other option is to use a standard link tool to remove the chain.

Keep in mind that if you use this standard tool, you typically cannot reuse the chain. When shifting constantly with the chain, it will eventually fail.

When replacing the chain, make sure to 

  1. find a chain of the right size
  2. Count the links of the old chain 
  3. Break the chain with the standard link tool
  4. Add a quick link to the chain and reconnect the chain (Link added for reference of what it looks like. Find the correct quick link for your specific chain.)

How do I know if my bike chain needs replacing?

You can typically tell your bike chain needs replacing because:

  • Your bicycle chain is not shifting when you shift gears. (And you have checked that your derailleur and drive chain system are in order)
  • Your bicycle chain is skipping (And you have oiled your chain prior)
  • Your chain is rusting and WD-40 will not get all of it off


How much is a bike chain? A bike chain can range from $10-$100. Typically, you will want to work with a standard bicycle chain. If you ride a premium bicycle optimized for speed, then you should consider a mid-range bike chain. The highest end bike chains are typically reserved for professionals, and northern Californian bike riders that have a couple extra dollars burning holes in their pockets. You should replace a bike chain from time to time when you notice wear. The easiest way to tell when it is time for a replacement is when the chain is skipping, or not shifting and you have done typical maintenance on the chain like cleaning and oiling it. 

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