How much does a bike fitting cost? [What to know before going to a bike fit]

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A professional bike fit will make a $500 bike ride like it is $5,000. A non-professional bike fit will make a $5,000 bike ride like a $50 bike. It is good to know how much does bike fitting cost to provide yourself with the best ride possible. I personally have found that a professional bike fit to be one of the more important aspects of riding. These bicycle fits can range from simply understanding the size of the bike in relationship to the riders’ size (basic and simple) to a full video analysis and the beginning of a journey where product suggestions are also included in the bicycle fitting. How much does a bike fitting cost? It depends on what you want, and we are here to give you all the information that you need to be able to decide which type of bicycle fit that you would need.

In this post, we will discuss if a bicycle fitting is worth it. We will also discuss the typical price range for a bike fit. We’ll answer how long a bike fitting will take and what you need to know about a bike fit and about your ride so that you are able to get the most out of the process.

Are bike fittings worth it?

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Yes, a bike fit is worth it. A good bicycle fitting is the most important way to solve for bicycle injuries, nagging muscles issues and nerve problems while riding. A bicycle that costs the price of a car, and in some cases rides the same speed simply will not be fun if the ride is not comfortable and will not cause overuse injuries as the miles tick away. What is important for a rider is to understand the difference between a standard, advanced and performance bicycle fitting. Keep in mind that all bike fitters are different, and it is important to speak with several to gain an understanding if the bike shop that is doing the fitting is competent. 

Typically, a basic or advanced bicycle fitting will do for most riders. If looking into correcting for a specific injury, advanced bicycle fits typically provide the best coverage.

More on the details of what type of bicycle fit is good for you in included in the next section.

How much does a bike fitting cost?

There are typically three types of bike fits that you should be aware of.

  1. Standard Bike Fit ($50-$75) [Or free with bicycle purchase]
  2. Advanced Bike Fit ($100-$250) + Suggested bicycle products and cycling servicing
  3. Performance or Race Bike Fit ($300-$500) + Suggested products and cycling servicing

What is included in a Basic Bike Fit ($50-$100)

Basic bike fits will look at multiple components of the ride. They will usually take about one hour. Most typically, the bicycle fitter will look at bicycle size in relation to the rider. They will also look at saddle height, and handlebar length.

What is included in an Advanced Bike Fit ($100-$250)

Advanced bicycle fits are what I find to be the most useful for dealing with specific riding issues and injuries. Advanced bike fittings may take a bit longer – about an hour and a half to 2 hours where there is a more in-depth conversation regarding how you plan to ride. The main addition that I found when speaking with my bike shop was that they focus as much on the bicycle as off the bicycle. Where are you planning to ride? What type of cycling shoes are you wearing? Where are the cleats located on your cycling shoes? Are your cycling shoes wide enough for your feet? The fitting may also include a handlebar repositioning for the rider.

What is included in a Performance or Race Bike Fit ($300-$500)

These typically will include along with vocal interview a visual computer monitoring system where AI will provide the suggestions along with product recommendations to the rider. I have mixed feelings on these fittings, as it takes much of the decision making off of the bike fitter. I typically believe a good fitting is more of an art than a science, and the experience of a good bike fitter will largely outperform a computer up to the point when a rider is entering a professional or racing setting. At this point, a rider may want to use more advanced visual analysis.

How long does a bike fitting take?

A bike fitting can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. After the bike fitting there may need to be servicing, or the replacement of parts on the cyclists’ bicycle. If this is the case, the process itself may be longer. It is up to the cyclist to decide if the product recommendations and the changes made to the bicycle are sound. They may be as simple as raising the seat, to changing the crank arm for a longer down-pedal stroke.

What do I need to know before getting a bike fit?

The avid cyclist will want to know why they are getting a bicycle fit. Are they experiencing pain in their ankle? Are their knees rubbing against the frame while riding? Are they experiencing lower back pain? There are several reasons why a bicyclist may want to get fitted and it is best to come to a bike shop with a problem that you are looking to have solved. If you do not have a basic understanding of the problem, the fitter may under recommend solutions or they may over recommend solutions that will not solve your specific riding problem. 

It also does not hurt to know basics like:

  • How will raising a seat affect how your pedaling feels?
  • How will a heel insert affect your body movement?
  • How will an arch insert affect your body movement?
  • How will raising your handlebars affect your back?
  • How will changing the cleat position on your cycling shoes affect your ride?

You don’t need to know the answers to these questions, though understanding that all of these details make a change to your body will make for a more cohesive, bidirectional conversation with your bike fit specialist.

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Working with a bike fit specialist is the best way to ensure a comfortable and long-lasting ride. It also is the best way to secure a positive relationship with your bicycle. How much does a bike fitting cost? A bike fitting will cost you anywhere from $50-$300 depending on what you want. This is a big range, though we explain it all in this post and are happy that you have chosen to develop your knowledge on how much does bike fitting cost.

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