How long do cycling bibs last? [500 hours Saddle Time] + Upkeep Guide Linked

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How long do cycling bibs last? Cycling bibs will last you about 500 hours in the saddle or 5000 miles. This means a high-quality bib ought to last you years even if your mileage in the saddle is high.

Though, I don’t know if you are counting each mile on your Fitbit to make sure that you replace your bib at the right time. It may be useful to know what are the signs that your bib is worn out and time to replace it.

how long do cycling bibs last

Invest in your knowledge:

These pieces of reading may be interesting to you:

Why do cycling bibs wear out?

Cycling bibs can wear out due to the riding time and the movement in the bib. The lycra will typically begin to wear, and signs like holes, thinning of the material, decrease in springiness or even smell will be a good tell-tale sign that it is time to replace your cycling bib.

Cycling bib cleaning and maintenance:

We have a complete guide to guidance on cycling shorts and bibs, fit, how they should be worn and feel and maintenance. It is very useful to applying to cycling bibs.

There are three ways to keep your cycling bib clean:

  • Machine Wash: Tumble dry on medium, typically with other clothes that are equally as soiled. You do not want the stains from your cycling bib to get on your button down for work.
  • Take a shower with your bib: Take a shower after a ride is the easiest, and fastest way to get the sweat out of the lycra and keep your bib fresh. It will not have to sit around for a day or two until you get around to machine washing your bib. All body soaps are compatible with the lycra and will not eat away at the spandex.
  • Hand wash in sink: You are also able to soak it in the sink for a certain amount of time. Dish soap is also lycra-safe, and you are able to use this to quickly wash away your tears and sweat from the elevation climb of the day.

When is it time to replace your cycling bib?

How long do cycling bibs last totally depends on how you are working with your setup. Theses are the biggest tale-tell signs that it may be time to replace your cycling bib.

  1. Straps begin to fall: The straps will begin to fall as they lose their strength on your shoulder. When you begin focusing on keeping the straps up rather than keeping your feet pedaling, it is time to move on.
  2. Chamois pads begin to weaken: When your bum begins to be sore again, it is time to replace your cycling bib.
  3. Your cycling bib becomes see through: Eventually as the bib begins to stretch (typically around the arm pit) the bib will become see through in parts. It is not a nice sight to see someone wearing a shirt, although the shirt itself is see through.
  4. The Threads unravel: The threads of the cycling bib can begin to lose its shape over time. As this process happens the threads will unravel and begin to detach from one another. This process will only speed up over time, so it is important to catch the unraveling immediately by replacing your cycling bib.
  5. Your Lycra becomes flimsy: If your lycra becomes flimsy, then this means that the cycling bib is starting to lose its dimension. This also means that when you are riding, the second skin may not be as tight and begin to produce drag whilst you are riding. This is a good time to know when your cycling bib will not last very much longer.
  6. They begin smelling: Smell can get attached to the cycling bib. This will happen regardless of how many times that you wash and soak the synthetics. Once a smell attaches to the cycling bib, it may be time to replace your cycling bib.
  7. The Lycra is faded or has stains: The lycra will fade over time and stain. This is a good sign of wear and tear. If the stain is anywhere near where your arm connects to your chest, replace the cycling bib as soon as possible.
  8. Holes appear: If you begin to get holds in the movement areas of your cycling bib, this is a good sign that the time is up for your cycling bib. Replacement time is necessary, and it is a good time to begin searching for a new one.


How long do cycling bibs last? Typically, they will last about 5000 miles or 500 hours of saddle time. They can last much longer if you treat them right. Treating your bibs, shorts and cycling shoes correct are important to be able to continue riding and not continue buying. Keep on the saddle and know when to replace.

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