Best Bike for Back Pain – Why is Biking good for Back Pain?

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You just left your physical therapists’ office and they suggest that you do more biking. Now you’re looking for the best bike for back pain and you ask yourself where to turn?

There are plenty of options. Many may say to look towards an elliptical stationary bicycle which can be a good option, though its important to understand why you are having back pain before limiting yourself to a stationary bicycle inside.

If you are having back pain that is limiting your movement and would cause it to be unsafe for you to be upright – or for it to be life threatening if you were to face a fall, then an elliptical bike is the best bike for back pain for you.

However, if you happen to have a muscular problem which is causing your back pain, it may be important to read on to what this post will teach you to help you make the best decision for your back.

Ironically, it may make more sense to find a bicycle that may initially put you in an uncomfortable position to where your body will become accustomed. These bicycles, like road bikes are great because once your body is used to the positioning, you begin to use lower back muscles to help with pedaling and supporting yourself on the saddle.

Second, with mobile bicycling for back pain, you are also using both your core and your back to support yourself. This keeps the muscles of the back strengthening in a kind way and keeps your back from stagnating in a  way that a stationary bike in a comfortable seat may.

In this post you will learn about the benefits of bicycle with back pain. You will also learn about my story with back pain and how I managed to mitigate that pain.

Finally you will learn about what you can do to relieve your back pain through cycling.

Best Bike for Back Pain

If you ride half an hour a day every other day, you will notice a substantial difference in your back pain if the pain is caused from a muscular difficulty.

The best bike for back pain if you are able to be mobile and move about will typically be a road bicycle. If you are not able to do a road bicycle, we tend to tell people to not over think it – any bicycle will do to help you relieve back pain.

What is most important is that you are riding consistently over time. While you are riding, you want to transition away from anything that will cause difficulties with your body like high impact sports.

This can include things like soccer, endurance running on concrete, snatches or cleans and heavy lifting on the bench.

best bike for back pain

This allows your back space to strengthen over time in a kinder way without adding the pain of inflammation caused from high impact sports and activities.

What can you do on a bike to relieve back pain?

The best thing that anyone can ever do on their bicycle is to make sure it is fit correctly. If you are riding a step through or a hybrid bicycle, make sure that (1) you can reach the handlebars comfortably (2) You can sit upright on the saddle and (3) Your feet push directly down and almost straighten out when bottoming out on the pedals.

If you are riding a road bicycle or gravel bicycle, read our guide here.

The second most important thing that you can do is to change the way that you eat. Focus on non-inflammatory foods that help your body repair itself over time rather than counteracting what you are doing on the bicycle and in the gym.

You would be shocked by how much of body pain is caused by what you are putting into your body rather than what you are doing with your body.

The third most important thing that you can do is to consistently ride. There is more value to be gained in your body’s health by riding 3 times a week 30 minutes each in contrast to 1 and a half hours once a week.

The muscle memory that is formed throughout the week caries into your daily activities when walking up stairs, to going to work, to your posture when driving your car. This healthy habit bleeds into all things when you are correcting small alignment problems and developing your back (and core) muscles.

How did I relieve my back pain?

My own personal story is similar to many that found massive success with their back pain relief. I came from an athletic background that focused on developing the body rather than focusing on what is put into the body and being kind to it.

I found success in my athletic endeavours (track) and continued doing similar workouts after university. After noticing that soreness began turning into long term pain, I new something needed to be changed.

My main changes that I made were to change how I ate (I began making a lot more of my own food), I stopped running for a period of my life (I was able to pick it up again later after the majority of my swelling and inflammation went down), and I switched that running to cycling.

It was a strange transition because I didn’t feel “tired” as if I were running, though over time, my body was adjusting and I was developing my zone 1 aerobic abilities.

My back pain decreased, and at this point I still have small inflammation flareups, and pay attention to my posture, but I do not need physical therapy or pain medication for what once was a very bad back.

Is cycling good for back pain?

Cycling may have been the thing that saved my back and mental health. Without it, I would always turn to running. However, endurance running over time slowly digs at the body and causes numerous small overuse injuries.

With cycling, I was able to find time and space for the same aerobic workout, while still providing the body with the amount of activity it asked for with blood flow and activity for the back and core to strengthen over time.

Conclusion: Best Bike for Back Pain

Cycling is a fantastic way to relieve back pain. Choosing the best bike for back pain should be easy. You can choose an elliptical bicycle if you are facing debilitating back pain that keeps you from safely riding a bike outdoors.

If you are able to safely ride outdoors, your options open up exponentially. Second, if your pain is muscular in nature, you will need to focus on riding consistently over time to help your back pain subside.

Enjoy riding and enjoy your body.

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